NRN: 4762679442
Here's how easy it can be..
5 Minutes, that's all it takes to get started.
Corporate accounts are free
How it works: Advance Exam works with you, like a team, not like a vendor. Nobody can touch our efficiency or friendly service. We expedite our administrative processes so that the only time your drivers spend in our office is face-to-face with our doctors.
Company Portal: Once you fill out the form, we will send you a link to the portal log in. From there you can check the status of all of your drivers, view expiration dates and re-print certificates.
How to book physicals: Send drivers a link to the booking site (text is the easiest way) and tell them to add your company name when they book. As soon as they book, you'll see confirmation in the portal. Alternatively, drivers can book from any computer, phone or tablet, just take them to the booking page. Note: Large group bookings can be arraigned in advance, just contact us at: Admin@AdvanceExam.Com
How to do the health history: Drivers will receive a link on their phones and by e-mail. Alternatively, once booked, they can fill out the health history right on your office computer through the portal kiosk feature.
How to pay: Every company is different. Some reimburse their drivers. Some send them in with a company check. Most use our Card-on-file option (securely run by Square Payment Services) a link to the CC form will be in your confirmation e-mail.